Bill Mill web site logo


Portland Reassessment Map

Portland, Maine reassessed its home prices after more than a decade, so I scraped the tax data and mapped what houses gained and lost value

NBA Stats

A tool for visualizing NBA statistics, and a playground for me to test web databases and visualizations.


A simple, clean, easy to modify Slack chatbot

Radial Bracket

A radial, interactive NCAA tournament bracket visualizing Nate Silver's NCAA projections.

Canvas Tutorial

Make a Breakout clone with HTML5's <canvas> element

Bloom filters by example

A demonstration and explanation of how to use Bloom filters

Drawing Presentable Trees

Tree drawing algorithms actually have an interesting, long history, and are fun to implement.

Ignite Baltimore Talks

Two five minute, hopefully entertaining talks: The Malthusian Tower and Cognitive Bias and Cholera

NCAA Bracket Randomizer

Generate a random but reasonable NCAA bracket for your office pool


Viewji is a clone of most of NodeBox in javascript.


Most of my activity is now at

RIP Beckett Longdog Woodmill

Let's write a bash script

Links for the Week of October 10

Links for the Week of October 3

Links for the Week of September 26

Links for the Week of September 19

Links for the Week of September 12

Links for the Week of September 5

Links for the Week of August 22
