The Wasmtime wasm runtime hit version 1.0. I'm interested in the possibilities this offers for sandboxed and portable applications in a variety of languages.
Ceej Silverio's short thread about how difficult it is to add engineers at the start of a project matched thoughts I've been having on the topic lately
Ben Johnson released LiteFS, a system that distributes SQLite writes to a leader, by writing a Fuse filesystem to distribute SQLite writes. The ARCHITECTURE doc is short and worthwhile reading.
Simon Willison started a very interesting twitter thread by asking people what tools they use to process CSV files of varying sizes. I updated my csv tools survey with some new tools from reading the responses.
Charlie Loyd objectively correctly notes that Bryce had the finest UI of all time and that every modern UI is extremely boring
I liked these detailed notes from Alexander Wang on drawing curved arrows between boxes. I love when people share the specialized knowledge they gain when building detailed things.
Tsoding is working on a single-file graphics library in C. The idea is that it can be compiled down to WASM for web display, SDL for native display, or whatever target you can think of. demos here