ball_diameter = 20
paddle_size = 75
v_x, v_y = (3, 4)
p_x, p_y = (10, 10)
bounce = 1.2
points = []
computer = WIDTH / 2
compuspeed = 10
def draw():
global v_x, v_y, p_x, p_y, points, bounce, computer, compuspeed
if not -ball_diameter < p_y < HEIGHT + ball_diameter:
text("Game Over", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2)
if p_y < 0: text("You win!", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2+20)
else: text("Computer wins", WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2-20)
paddle_left = min(max(MOUSEX, 0), WIDTH-paddle_size)
ny = p_y + v_y
nx = p_x + v_x
if nx + (ball_diameter/2) > computer + paddle_size: computer += compuspeed
elif p_x + v_x < computer: computer -= compuspeed
rect(computer, 0, paddle_size, 4, roundness=2)
if ny + ball_diameter > HEIGHT and v_y > 0 \
and paddle_left < nx + (ball_diameter / 2) < paddle_left + paddle_size:
v_y = -v_y * bounce
v_x = (nx - paddle_left - (paddle_size / 2)) * .25
ny = HEIGHT - ball_diameter
if ny < 0 and v_y < 0 \
and computer < nx + (ball_diameter / 2) < computer + paddle_size:
v_y = -v_y * bounce
v_x = (nx - computer - (paddle_size / 2)) * .25
ny = 0
elif nx + ball_diameter > WIDTH or nx < 0:
v_x = -v_x
mx = max(0, min(MOUSEX, WIDTH - paddle_size))
rect(mx, HEIGHT-4, paddle_size, 4, roundness=2)
p_x = nx
p_y = ny
oval(p_x, p_y, ball_diameter, ball_diameter)
I'd never written a game before, and they say you aren't allowed if you don't start with pong, so here it is. I was actually just playing around with motion in NodeBox for a seperate project, and did this for fun.